IRISH BLACKS and IRISH REDS are registered trademarks owned by I.B. and R. Trademarks, LLC and licensed to the Irish Black Cattle Association.
Gould Ranch Cattle Co. is a member in good standing with the Irish Black Cattle Association.
© 2025 Gould Ranch Cattle Company. All Rights Reserved. | Website by: Heartland Internet Solutions
Welcome to Gould Ranch Cattle Company
Gould Ranch Cattle Company is a family owned and operated ranch located just 25 miles south of Fort Morgan, Colorado. In our seed stock operation we raise Irish Black® and Irish Red® Cattle. We sell bulls, females, and pairs as well as our own boxed beef. Our bulls are developed here on the ranch and sold each spring.
It’s been many years since Gould Ranch Cattle Company made Irish Black® and Irish Red® Cattle a key part of the operation. Our annual ultrasound records and herd data confirm the consistently outstanding carcass quality and excellent eating experience produced by our herd sires.
Early maturity, low maintenance, easy temperament and longevity are all hallmarks of Irish Black® and Irish Red® bulls and cows. Other positive gene traits emphasized in this breed include calving ease, fertility, above average ADG and feed conversion, moderate cow size and high percentage of marbling in the meat.
Because every beef producer’s goal is to consistently produce the best possible dining experience for consumers, we wanted to obtain an objective verification of the tenderness, flavor and juiciness of Irish Black® and Irish Red® beef. We have test fed and marketed meat from as many as 150 head of cattle from our own herd. The meat is sold with a guarantee of quality or money back. That practice – which sometimes led to so many meat orders we couldn’t fill them – has helped us ensure that our sires are consistently producing a quality dining experience.
We hope you will take this opportunity to purchase Irish Black® and Irish Red® cattle and become a part of this new element of the beef industry.
Along with the cattle, Gould Ranch Cattle Company also raise, train, show and sell AQHA horses. The Gould Ranch Cattle Company is part of the Ranching Heritage that the AQHA started in 2011.
Thanks for visiting us here and we hope to hear from you soon!